Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm Just One Big Freaking Ray of Sunshine Aren't I?

It has been a long day. A long week. I have been waiting since the 14th, when Jenny was here for a new washer and dryer to be delivered today. Wednesday, I had the bright (and I mean REALLY bright) idea to paint the laundry room.

Monty nearly died Thursday when he came in and said, "That looks like mustard."

I informed him it was a canary.

Whatever. Last night I painted all the area where the washer and dryer would be. It really is bright.

I sent Monty on his merry way to Bob Wills Day in Turkey, Texas. Woo---weee!!! Now I wished I'd gone. I never dreamed how hard it was to buy small cans of primary color paints to accent the big canary in the room.

I went several places and ended up at a Home Depot.

This young man asked me if I needed help. I almost started crying, I didn't know where to start!

I asked him what happened that small cans of primary paint can't be bought ready-to-go. The man standing next to me (who is painting the outside of his house so shut up alisa your laundry room is a piece of cake) told me everything changed while we weren't paying attention.

I thought if I were a painter I'd be paying attention! Probably not because paying attention is tiresome.

So, back to young man helping me. I had three color sheets. He asked if I decided what I wanted. I told him what I really wanted was a drink, but I couldn't drink and paint. He had the nerve to laugh, which is okay because it is pretty funny.

An older couple came up to get another gallon of paint. The husband was complaining he was old and one gallon of paint should have been enough and his wife was smiling like my canary wall and nodding her head. I was too tired to say anything.

However, he started me...and I mean belly laughs.

I said, "What? There is SOME paint on my walls." I thought it was because I have yellow paint on my arms, pants, glasses, and ankles. I don't know how I got paint on my ankles, but it is possible. Trust me.

He said, "I thought my day was shot and you just made it."

I said thank you and looked the other way. I heard him telling his wife to read my shirt.

I'd forgotten I had on a t-shirt that Jenny got me when she was here a couple of weeks ago. It says: I'm just one big freaking ray of sunshine aren't I?

I guess my day was made too since I entertained (for free) at Home Depot.

Now I'm waiting for the rest of the canary to dry to I can paint my primary squares and triangles and then hang some really neat wild colorful things I bought.

Hopefully I will have it all done by the time Monty gets home.

I only want him to have one attack of the vapors.

He can't handle any more than that.

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